Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Road Trip! Day 1

We crammed the boot of the car full on Monday, leaving plenty of space for everything we had to get on the roof Tuesday morning - two big tubs of shoes and four small bags with our stuff for the trip. Inevitably, though, the “plenty of space” we’d left hadn't accounted for the width of the roof racks and quickly became “not enough space.” By the time we came downstairs, ready to go, Mum and Q had tried every possible configuration of tubs and bags to no avail. Mum greeted us with a panic inducing, “Morning girls! You’re going to have to choose which shoes you want to take.” Ahhh! What?! Okay. Decision time... After sacrificing a couple pairs of boots and heels each, saying goodbye to the doggies, and snapping a quick pic, we were off!

With “Life is a Highway” blaring, our Dunkin' Donuts coffees in hand, and our minds struggling to comprehend what was happening, we left Massachusetts for the next seven months! Connecticut and New York went by event-free, but when we hit New Jersey, it was Hannah’s turn to drive (dun dun duunn). The combination of pushy NJ drivers, 400lbs of extra weight in the car, minimal experience on highways, and absolutely zero vision out the rear-view mirror, made for a nerve-jangling hour for everyone in the car. We made it, though, and stumbled out at our lunch spot: the Spinning Wheel Diner. After lunch we tackled Pennsylvania (which we slept through), West Virginia (where Mum and Q learned that there’s an explicit version of Thrift Shop), and arrived in Virginia for the night. Lucy’s final comment, just as we were all going to sleep, was: “Guys, I feel like my earplug’s so far in it’s touching my brain.”

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