Saturday, July 6, 2013

Independence Day.

Our first day of independence serendipitously lined up with the original day of independence for the USA! Our 4th of July festivities began in the morning when Oliver, one of our best buds from high school, and his friend Wyatt picked us up to go explore Venice Beach! The boardwalk was INSANE! With a lingering smell of pot in the air, we saw a troupe of hippies playing the drums, muscle beach (where bodybuilders show off and work out in a terrifying cage), and this two-headed turtle:

As we were walking along, this young guy came right up to us and asked if we wanted some weed. When we said "no thanks" he asked Ollie and Wyatt if we were single and they said yes - thanks a lot guys - so this wannabe drug lord and his buddies all crowded around us, asking for our numbers and telling us their story. Apparently, he was from San Francisco, hoping to take over the drug scene at Venice beach! Haha we wished him luck with his business - our phone numbers still our own - and continued on our way...
There were so many cool stores! We were with boys, so the clothing shops remained unexplored, BUT we did go into this awesome place selling all these metal figurines - including a larger than life Bumblebee and Optimus Prime.

The time came, all too quickly, to find a bathroom. It was one of the most disgusting experiences of our lives, and we'll leave it at that..
We snapped a pic on the beach to prove we were there the headed back to the USC dorms where the guys were staying.

We had a false alarm invite to a party in Malibu - cause the guys' friend left just as we were about to head over - so we ended up hanging out on the roof with an awesome view of LA and the fireworks!

The next day we hung out at the apartment again and went shopping with Emily at The Grove. It was pretty much the Disneyland of shopping centres - just gorgeous. On our college budgets we didn't actually buy anything, but we visited MeMe working at Starbucks! We stopped by Ralph's (the grocery store) for components of our spaghetti feast we had planned for dinner, then went home.
Emily single-handedly prepared a delicious dinner - our first one all together as roomies!

After dinner, we went to the movies to see The Bling Ring. It was such a fun movie, and dangerously too real! Instead of disgusted with societal deification of celebrities, we came out of it totally inspired to steal their stuff! Not actually, but it glorified the whole saga and made it look so easy! We downloaded the movie soundtrack when we got home and let out our rule-breaking urges into a dance party of five. When, at 9:57, the neighbours below complained about the noise, MeMe sassily insisted that we had 3 more minutes. One song and a big synchronized jump later, it was 10:00 and time for bed...

We went to bed early, not because we're lame, but because we had to get up early this morning to go to the beach!! We decided on Long Beach and, with Hannah behind the wheel, made it there no worries! It was really overcast and chilly when we got there, but within the hour, the sun came out and the day was perfect! Emily, Chanelle, and Han braved the cold water while Lucy and MeMe psyched themselves up. Running in Bay Watch style was the only thing that got them in the water, but once we were all in we had a great time! The life guards were SO cute, so we all tried to think of casual ways to start drowning so they'd save us - then MeMe, who's vertically challenged, actually got dunked all the way under, so we decide that was enough of the water for the day.
We had another uncomfortable toilet experience today! It was as if (we imagine) we were in jail! The "stalls" we're just two walls about armpit height without doors! We took it in shifts to keep guard outside for each other, and got outta there asap.
We had In-and-Out Burgers for a late lunch and headed home, and that's where we're at now!
We have a super exciting day planned for tomorrow, so stay tuned!!!

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