Saturday, July 27, 2013

Acting and Exploring

Yesterday we had another early morning because the acting coach we work with needed us to come in and help out! It was great to catch up with Chambers; so much has happened since we last worked with him! It was also fun to be in more of a mentor role this time around and help out kids in the same position we were in a year ago. We got some great info on how to get extra work, so we'll hopefully be starting that next week - so exciting!

It was a pretty full on day so when we got home we made dinner, watched The Avengers, had cups of tea and shortbread, and passed out for the night.

Today we did a little exploring around Beverly Hills! We walked down Melrose Avenue, this really cool, funky shopping area with vintage stores, lovely cafes and some very tempting window shopping! At one point when we were waiting to cross the street these two really cute guys pulled up at the light and were just being so sweet! They told us our smiles had made their day and that "If I was traffic I'd stop for you." And then they drove off into the distance... Well, up to the next traffic light anyway. It was such a nice little boost, LA life is totally agreeing with us!

Next we went a few streets over to Robertson Boulevard, the (supposed) shopping area of the stars! It was more of a reconnaissance mission than anything, because we really weren't there at the most strategic time, but we're hoping that next time we go we can spot some celebs! It was a really nice area to walk around anyway, and we stopped for a cupcake before heading back to the car.
We went to Ralphs - yet again - and got the ingredients we needed to make nachos - so yummy! We watched Pride and Prejudice while we ate dinner and swooned over the gorgeous Mr. Darcy, *sighhh*. It's been a fun couple days and we have more adventures in store tomorrow!

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