Saturday, December 28, 2013

Rollin' in Baht

The markets on Thursday night were awesome - exactly what we imagined only with food more amazing than we thought to dream up! We shopped and ate our way from one end to the other; we got bracelets, pants, a Buddha for our apartment, Han got a comb (and a hairstyle tutorial), chicken satays, grilled rice that tasted kind of like a cracker, dumplings, coconut and egg yolk bites of deliciousness and banana pancakes!  
At the end of the markets we met up with Sam, Grant, and Zac for a drink and decided to go clubbing together. Sam had seen this place near where we're staying called Orgasmic, so we all piled into their tiny car and drove there. We walked in expecting loud music and party atmosphere, but found ourselves in a beautiful, upscale restaurant right on the beach. Haha we ended up having a really lovely time, chatting, sipping on baileys and passion fruit shooters, and having mango sticky rice for dessert! 
The next day was the most perfect beach day EVER! We went to La Mui for a full day in the surf and sun. When we got settled, a little Thai lady (we learnt later that she was more than 70 years old) came up and told us she did manicures and braids. Eddie, who's been excited about getting braids since we got here, got cornrows! It took over an hour but the final product was worth it - Ed loves em and they work well with her self inflicted mullet (she cut her fringe right down to the roots one day because she'd gotten tired of it, too funny!)
A little way up the beach was a yummy looking lunch spot, so we packed everything up and Luce and I swam up the beach with a kid each on our backs. We were laughing and screaming and carrying on, "I'm gonna win" and "keep kicking Will" and so on. Once we'd gotten there, Claire told us we'd swum past a huge group of good looking, young guys - apparently there were girls strutting by in their little bikinis while we spluttered past in the background hahaha, classic goon squad moment. We had a yummy Thai lunch and headed home for a while before going out to a different set of markets that night! We sipped on piƱa coladas, bought some more stuff, and did banana pancakes round two! 

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