Monday, December 16, 2013

The mother of all blog posts...

Ahh! It's been almost a month! Wow, what a crazy few weeks - we have a LOT to catch up on!
Here are the highlights:

-- Han --
Alright, picking up where I left off in The COPA Games: it was down to the final 9 when I got back to campus... On Friday morning I knew I had to kill my target, Ellie, but I had no idea how I'd manage it! She was a dancer and I'd never spoken to her - I didn't even know what she looked like! I had two dancer friends in my first class on Monday, though, and asked them about her. They couldn't give me any leads but then as we were leaving class, with AMAZING luck, Carolyn turned to me and said "That was Ellie, she just walked right past you!" I turned around, ran back down the stairs, and loudly said her name - I figured the girl that turned around was her and I got her with my crayon! Wooo!! Then came a hitch; my new target was Chase. Ahh I reeeaally didn't want to kill him!! We'd made an alliance and on top of that he's one of my best friends. I decided to tell him and to agree not to get him - I'd play on the defensive and hopefully we'd make it to the final two!!
We were down to 6 just in time for me to get picked up by Mum and Q for the weekend! 

-- Luce --
I honestly have absolutely NO idea what I was doing 3 weeks ago!! It was definitely a lot of schoolwork... aaaaannnddd working on finding my final scene with my wonderful friend Alisa! Most of my time was spent at school, studying, or sleeping..!

-- Han and Luce --
Friday night was our first night all together in the new house and it was just lovely! Mum cooked up a delicious roast dinner - much appreciated after eating cafeteria/college student food for a few months (although Luce is a very good cook). It was so fun to unpack (well, Han unpacked anyway) and just relax at home again, such a luxury!
Saturday was Q's birthday AND the perfect day to see the Christmas overlay in Disneyland for the first time EVER!! 
We rode all the Christmassy rides, saw a couple shows, soaked in the magic, and had a delicious dinner at the Blue Bayou - the restaurant inside the Pirates of the Caribbean ride! A perfect day, we felt so lucky that we got to celebrate Q's birthday all together!
Sunday was a lazy day. We weren't too bummed leaving because we knew we'd be back in just a couple days for Thanksgiving!

-- Han --
I can't really remember the chronology of everything, but at some point I was in two short films! It was really fun! It also gave me a good look at myself on camera, an idea of some things to repeat aaaand some things to fix. Anyway, when I got back to Chapman on Sunday it was down to the wire in The COPA Games with only two days to finish before Thanksgiving! Chelsea killed Jeffrey on Monday then, in an epic cornucopia-like showdown on Tuesday, and Chase got 3 targets, landing us in the final 2!!! We were so stoked! We asked Lord Ryan (our RA) if we could have the final battle after Thanksgiving break and he agreed. Everything was wrapped up for Thanksgiving break and I was seeeriously hanging out for stuffing and pie!!

-- Luce --
More scene work, school work, and exhaustion! And also I was finally reimbursed for my debit card fraud, so that was a huge weight off my shoulders! Before I knew it, I had made it through the short school week and it was time for Thanksgiving! YAYYY! I left my apartment at 3:30 and steeled myself for the hour and a half drive to Corona... But little did I know that with all of the Thanksgiving traffic, the drive would actually be well over 3 and a half hours!!! I was going crazy in the car all by myself oh my goshhhh! Serious cabin fever! It was stop-start traffic for the whole 60 miles and I only got my speed above 30mph once! Oh man. It was such a relief when I finally made it to Mum & Q's and they had dinner ready and I could just flop onto the couch! It was lovely to settle in for the weekend.  

-- Han and Luce --
Thanksgiving was a glorious day of relaxing and eating. SO MUCH FOOD! Mum cooked up a mouth-watering storm all morning and we pigged out on an amazing Thanksgiving lunch!
Turkey, stuffing, corn pudding, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes with marshmallows, homemade cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, pecan pie, and strawberry wine made for one incredible meal!
On Friday afternoon we went and saw The Hunger Games: Catching Fire and it exceeded our expectations! It was PERFECT!! Ahh SO true to the book, exciting, amazingly acted - Jennifer Lawrence is such a star - we were wonderfully satisfied with it! After that, we went into LA for a Korean BBQ dinner with Chambers and had a really good chat about what we want to do moving forward in our careers. This seems as good a time as any to announce it: the two of us have decided to take a break from school after this semester to focus on pursuing our careers in LA! It'll be a huge adventure and we cannot wait to get started! We've had the most incredible college experiences and we're so appreciative of everyone's the love and support - we couldn't chase our dreams without it!
Anyway, back to the blog! On Saturday we went to the cinema in Downtown Disney and saw Frozen - 2 movies in one weekend, we're so lucky! - it was also PERFECT and Lucy and I were feeling some sister love and channeling our inner Anna and Elsa. To make the night even more perfect, we went into Disney and saw World of Color: Winter Dreams, the holiday version of World of Color with all sorts of holiday cheer and Frozen inspiration. 
Sunday came and neither of us reeeaally wanted to face the next couple tough weeks at school, but the time came to say goodbye and we were on the final stretch!

-- Han --
Only two weeks left of school!! WOW! The semester went by SO FAST! The last week of regular classes was completely insane and busy, but there was definitely a light at the end of the tunnel. 
I started the week off right with a Sunday night Disney trip with Tosh and JT. We saw World of Color and went on the Tower of Terror twice! The second time truly was terrifying because I thought it'd be fun to pull out some slack in the belt so I wasn't held in as tight. I realized, a little too late, that I'd pulled out A LOT more slack than I'd meant to! The guys, fearing for my life, held onto me and kept me from flying too far off the seat haha. I think they were more scared than I was! It was a really fun night and it was great to experience Disney's holiday magic with two of my best friends, awww.
A highlight of the week was Chase and my Assassins finale! We, as only theatre majors would, choreographed a whole epic battle and invited the whole hall! (We also advertised the event on our hall's facebook page)
 (Video of the finale to come!)

We had SO MUCH fun aaaand I didn't mind the win haha the first ever female victor Lord Ryan's had! 
Another fun event was my last RAD self-defense class! We all geared up and took out the officer/aggressor. I felt kind of bad, though, because he's been really sick, he's a little on the older side, and the girl before me kicked him REALLY hard in the nuts, so I just couldn't bring myself to give it everything I had. It was still a lot of fun though! A video may be coming soon...
I had my last two Performing Techniques classes and they were really wonderful, more collaborative than they have been and I felt much closer to my classmates afterwards. The weekend mostly involved studying for finals, last little hang outs and boba runs, and creating a piece that involved all the techniques from the semester for the Performing Techniques final. 
Then... Finals week.

-- Luce --
Oh my goodness one week before finals!!!! Which also meant my last week of actual classes because my acting final was on the Tuesday of the next week. There was a lot of reviewing in my theory classes which was pretty boring, but luckily my other classes were very exciting! My acting class was spent rehearsing my final scene with Alisa, and so was my voice class! In movement class we all learned a bunch of cool tricks and lifts leading up to our final class... And in our final movement class, the students were split into 3 groups and we each had to make up a circus routine/scene as our final! It was so fun! we got to utilize a bunch of techniques we'd learned like head-stands, hand-stands, miming, elephant walks, bird lifts, and a lot of other stuff! We all had a great time :) After my last classes on Thursday, my classmates and I had our first rehearsal for our final performance! Our performance was a 2 hour long show where each person in the class shows their final scene as well as some people showcasing their work from throughout the semester. I was chosen to do two pf my pieces from the semester which was really cool! So I did my clone scene as well as my Autodrama. I was also in another person's clone scene, so I had a lot on my plate! I wasn't too stressed, though, because the first rehearsal went so well! Friday was another rehearsal, and my classmates and I were starting to work out the kinks, thank goodness! And it was all leading up to the final performance.....!!!!!

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