Friday, April 18, 2014

Back in touch with nature.. (and reality)

We were back in the US! It was certainly bittersweet - we were feeling motivated and ready to be back and make stuff happen but, at the same time, we would've gone back to Europe in a heartbeat. We took a couple days to recover from the trip (and do piles and piles of laundry) then headed back to the apartment from Mum and Q's. We stopped at Chapman on the way to see a few of Han's friends in the show Machinal and they did SUCH a great job!! Afterwards we grabbed boba with JT and Tosh (who Luce finally got to meet!) and then called it a night. We were finally home! It felt amazing to be back in our lovely apartment :)

On Monday we woke up early and decided to go to the park for a walk and to start writing something to turn into a web series or play. We were still on a high from the holiday, so it really didn't faze us that we had a maaajor struggle finding/getting to/parking at Griffith Park haha. But we got there in the end! We made progress writing, called and emailed a few people, and enjoyed the sunshine.

On Tuesday we went and updated our photos at Central Casting to refresh ourselves in their system. The process took waaayyy longer than expected BUT, on the plus side, we ran into Nick Lee who Han had become friends with on Revenge! It was great catching up with him and it turns out he and his roommate are huge Game of Thrones fans, so we lined up a GoT watching party for the next episode.
That night was the lunar eclipse which was kind of exciting. We went over to see JT's new apartment then went together to a great spot on Mulholland Drive to watch it from.
We had a really great chat, filled him in on all our shenanigans from Austria, and heard what he's been up to here. The eclipse itself was beautiful and it's always lovely hanging out with JT.

On Wednesday Han signed back up with Extras Management and went for a hike/read her book at Wilacre Park and Luce did background on the set of Pretty Little Liars!! We both had great, productive days AND we came home to a really sweet thank you present from Izzy for having her over spring break!

Slightly embarrassingly, all we have to say about yesterday is: Orange is the New Black is SUCH A GOOD SHOW! Also, strawberry, banana, spinach smoothies are delicious!

Today we went for a long hike together at Wilacre park. We were a little bummed not to get booked by Extras the last couple days, but with Easter things are really slow, so we figured we'd make the most of it! The walk was lovely absolutely lovely and we're feeling all inspired to get out and exercise whenever we're not working!
(Luce was feeling particularly in touch with nature haha)
We're going to Mosaic tonight for the Good Friday service, then Han has a date with a really nice guy she met on Wednesday - they're going to a UCB improv comedy show and coffee afterwards, exciting! Luce is going to a party that a friend from her CSI background gig is hosting and Han might join later, so it looks like it's going to be a great night! Yay!

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