Sunday, November 17, 2013

Makin' it Happen!

-- Han and Luce --
Last week wasn't too crazy for either of us! On Monday Luce had her final Animal performance which went really well - best grade yet! Woo! Han also had a great time in her acting classes because the top professor came in to teach Meisner work, so fun and really helpful.
Friday came quickly and we went to Disney - California Adventure - with a couple of Lucy's friends. We did all the wild rides and, for the first time ever, the two of us saw the Aladdin show TWICE in one day! We're still not sure if that was pathetic or an achievement, but it was actually really cool to see two completely different casts,  one after another. We drove back to Lucy's and crashed out because we had to get up pretty early the next day.
On Saturday morning we had consultations with a hairdresser in Beverly Hills! It was pretty much the most extravagant and surreal experience ever - we definitely got a taste of what it would be like to live the dream! Beverly Hills is absolutely beautiful and everyone was so stylish and put together, yea, we could see ourselves living there one day... Anyway, we'd been sent with instructions from Chambers to let the hairdresser do whatever she wanted and she ended up deciding on cuts/colours for both of us that we're really excited about! After the consultation we visited MeMe at Starbucks, had a delicious lunch of spaghetti squash cooked by chef Lucy, and got ready to head back to Chapman to see Spring Awakening. Just as we were about to leave, Han saw on the Chapman facebook page where they post all the film opportunities that there had been an opportunity to get a union voucher that day in LA!! Ahh! We were seeeeriously bumming because we totally could have done it! Han decided to email the guy, just in case they needed people for Sunday, and we headed to Chapman to see the show. They did a GREAT job, and the guy who played Melchior was pretty damn gorgeous, so we got a little eye (and ear, he had an amazing voice) candy thrown in too! After the show we grabbed some food on campus and Han checked her email to find... They did need people the next day on that film for a prom scene!! YAY! We quickly changed our plans around, Han grabbed all the stuff she'd need, we popped in to the after party from the show for half an hour - which was really nice, said hi to all the crazy, wonderful theatre kids - and headed back to LA! Deja vu all over again...
Sunday was an 11:00am call time which wasn't too bad, although we had to drive a fair way to get there. When we arrived they told us they'd sent out an email moving the call time back to 12:30! Gaahh! They said they actually needed an extra in the scene they were filming, though, so we asked if there was any chance they could use us both? They said 'yes' so we turned on all the Aussie charm and twin guilt we could muster, and Luce asked if being in that scene meant we could pooossibly get principle Taft Hartley contacts (which means we'd be SAG eligible in one go!) annnnndd...
THEY SAID YES!!! In the scene we were in, the bitchy queen bee and the cute but socially awkward girl find out they've worn the same dress to prom! Oh no!! Han was part of the bitchy posse and Luce was fixing her makeup in the bathroom and then walked out as the cute girl came in. The crew was so nice, and with everyone crammed into this tiny high school bathroom there were heaps of funny little moments.
We also met a couple nice, funny, and very good-looking guys, Nick and Matt, that we spent most of the day with. We had to all dance on the dance floor, but of course there wasn't any music! It was hilarious! The AD kept yelling out if it was a slow, medium, or fast song and we got to be pros at switching in between. Matt was technically meant to be a 'chaperone' so he kept breaking us up and we had to work so hard to keep from laughing! At one point, a definite highlight in Han's career, they pulled her away because they sequins on her dress would help refract light - Han was basically a human lighting device hahaha oh background. So, after a fun day's work reliving prom, we are officially SAG eligible!
We wrapped earlier than expected and decided to go out afterwards to Del Taco. We had great conversation, a lotta laughs, and then called it a night fairly early and said goodbye to the two charmers. We both got home at decent hours for another week of school!

-- Luce --
On Monday I slept in for the first time in a very long time because I had the day off school for Remembrance Day! I spent the rest of the day working on my Celebrity assignment..! For the assignment we have to choose a singer's live performance and mimic their movements exactly and we can either lip-sync or sing along to a backing track while we perform. I chose Katy Perry and had a really fun time memorizing her moves :) On Wednesday I performed and it went pretty well! Not perfect, but I still felt good about it! It was also cool to see all the celebrities that my friends chose! That night Emily, MeMe and I went out and saw the new Thor movie and it was SO GOOD!!! I screamed, I laughed, I cried.. Ah, it was amazing! 
On Thursday I had a pretty relaxed day at school and then later that night I went out on a lovely date with Nick - the nice guy we had met on set - so that was a great end to the week!
Then it was Friday and off to see Han!

-- Han -- 
This week was super busy but really great too! Monday was Remembrance Day which, even though we didn't get the day off school, I still recognized with my Canadian friend Tosh. We went to the rock garden in the Interfaith Center and played the Last Post and had a minute of silence at 11:00. It was really special to still be able to observe that tradition and I felt like a good Aussie, thanking our troops from thousands of miles away. On Monday night Laynie and I worked up the courage to attend the kickboxing class they offer on campus and it was SO FUN!! I absolutely loved it and I definitely want to keep going for the rest of the time they offer it. 
Tuesday's activity was this Shambhala meditation I had heard about and it was actually a pretty awesome experience. It was an hour and a half long but the time flew by. It was great to work on centering myself, especially with some stressful assignments looming!
One such assignment is a 10-15 page research paper on immigration law that I've been working on, waahh! It's really interesting stuff though, so I don't mind too much, I just know the due date is going to sneak up on me... I had a paper for another class due Monday, one due Tuesday, and 4 more on the horizon! I just need to push through though, because Thanksgiving is also on the horizon and I CANNOT WAIT!
On Wednesday I was meant to have the last installment of my RAD Self Defense class where I get to use my skills to get past the 'aggressors' but it got cancelled - so hopefully that'll be a story for the next blog!
I had an audition at Dodge on Thursday which was heaps of fun; it was mostly improv and ad-libbing, so I had free rain and loved it! 
And then it was Friday! Luce came out in the afternoon and we did an audition at Dodge together - which ended up taking AGES, we were there for about 3 hours! We also stopped in at the mall nearby because I found out there was a Cotton On! Then it was back to Lucy's for some much needed sleep to tackle an exciting and busy weekend!

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