Sunday, February 2, 2014

We're home!!

The last few days have been completely crazy and wonderful! We're feeling like our hectic period of inbetween-ness is finally coming to an end and we couldn't be happier! 
We spent the whole day Friday packing, sorting through everything in the garage, packing, going to Best Buy to get a fridge, packing, and uhh packing! We also went on another (possibly last) big Walmart trip with Mum and her childhood friend Robin who was visiting for the weekend. We were feeling some serious déjà-vu from both of our set up experiences in our old places, only coupled with insane excitement because everything was starting to feel very real. We got so many adorable, colorful, perfect apartment things and we're feeling like the luckiest girls on earth right now! It was a huge day of organizing but we were feeling more than ready for move-in day the next day!

It's crazy to think that we moved in YESTERDAY!! Ahh the place already feels like home! We got the U-Haul out to Corona fairly early and packed it (quite expertly and surprisingly not very stressfully) full of everything we hadn't already put into the cars. 
Before we knew it we were on the road towards North Hollywood babyy! The two of us left first and drove in convoy, which was actually a surprisingly fun challenge, and got to the apartment first to sign all the paperwork.
We signed on the dotted line, got our keys, and started lugging load after load of stuff up to our place! 
Oh man, it was hard work!! It didn't take terribly long though and then we were onto setting everything up! Luce and Robin worked on the kitchen, Mum and Q assembled the bed, and Han worked on the (ohmygosh) walk-in wardrobe!! Yeee! 
The professionals (Mum, Q, and Robin) left us to our own devices a little later, having already gone above and beyond to help us, and we plowed on through for hours until the end was in sight. Here's the product of all our hard work!!
We microwaved some soup (still don't have gas for the stove) and had a go of our new coffee maker, so cool! Then pushed through the last of the unpacking to get almost EVERYTHING into a place before absolutely falling into bed and crashing out. What a successful day! 

Today was more of a recovery/odds and ends day. We worked on decorating the apartment, set up the printer, organized drawers/bookshelf, vacuumed (love our cute new vacuum, so easy and borderline fun to use!) and had a huge grocery shop at Ralph's! After a whole trolley FULL of groceries, we each took a stab and guessed what the price would come out to aaaand - wish there was a way to better emphasize how incredible this moment was - HAN'S GUESS WAS 20 CENTS OFF THE ACTUAL PRICE!! It was amazing. Wow! Love little moments like those!! Anyway, we headed home (ahh, love the sound of that! HOME!) and kept going with all our bits and pieces, had a three way phone call with Sarah and Izzy, made a wonderful salad for dinner, watched A Knight's Tale (on the laptop because we're still working on getting TV and internet), Luce ran back to her old place to pick up a few things we'd left there, and now we're about to go to bed for the second time in our lovely place! We want to get a good night's sleep too because we're meeting with another agency tomorrow!! So exciting! Life is gooood! :)

1 comment:

  1. I feel so excited for you girls just reading this. A new chapter begins. Best of luck to you both. Big hugs xoxoxo
