Tuesday, February 11, 2014

R&R (Rehearsal & Relaxation)

We caught up on shows, watched the Olympics, and ate yummy food. All. Weekend. Long. And it was amazing :)
On Sunday night we headed back to LA and made sure we were completely prepared for the exciting few days ahead!
Yesterday was the first day of rehearsal for Chambers's theatre workshop performance thing and we had such a fun time! It felt great to be rehearsing for something again and it sounds like, if all goes well, this could be kind of a big deal for us - which is SO exciting! We worked on scenes and monologues all day, had lots of laughs, met and reconnected with some really cool people, and then came home to put our feet up. With our newly installed internet we were able to catch up on Girls (which was AMAZING as always) and we also watched Stranger Than Fiction which was a really funny, sweet movie. It was another "2" day of our 5/2 diet, but even though we were a little hungry, we went to bed feeling very happy and excited! We're having absolutely no regrets about our decision to leave school - there's no way we'd be able to take advantage of these kinds of opportunities if we were still there!
Today was another day at Chambers' but it was quicker than yesterday. He brought in a professional director to get all the scenes in ship shape for tomorrow, which was incredibly helpful and really cool! We also helped Chambers cut out red paper love hearts for a Valentines Day surprise for his wife Betsy, shhhh.. Han lived up to her "Most Artistically Challenged" superlative on that little job haha bit of a struggle. We also all toasted (with Shirley Temples) to Shirley Temple, one of the greatest child actors of all time, who passed away today.
After we'd worked on all of our scenes we were given the OK to head home - via boba! We had lunch, watched The Swiss Family Robinson (such a throwback but Fritz was as gorgeous as we remembered) and Luce baked a yummy batch of cookies!
We have working out and fish and chips planned for the rest of the evening - what a lovely day!

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