Friday, February 21, 2014

Couldn't be Happier!

The last few days we've been back and forth to Chambers' working on our own scenes, watching other people's scenes, and workshopping some new material. Very productive! We're really so lucky to have such a great coach who gives us so much of his time and such great opportunities. 
We've eaten like queens too! We've had salads, granola/yogurt/honey/strawberries for brekkie, poached eggs, and Luce baked the most delicious brown sugar cupcakes with peanut butter cream cheese icing!! Yum! We also walked down Hollywood Blvd with our friend Mike - from our first night of background - and had the most glorious, decadent Ghirardelli ice creams, mmmm...
We hadn't fully realized how long it might take, though, and had to move the car at 4:00. The ice cream was too great to leave, though, so Han stayed until the last second and at 3:50, ran, like seriously RAN back to the car! Hahaha only on Hollywood Blvd would that not be cause for too many raised eyebrows.. It was worth the effort though, Han got to the car at EXACTLY 4:00, a little the worse for wear.
The real triumph of the week, though, was yesterday. We made our decision and signed with the Shirley Wilson & Associates Talent Agency!! We couldn't be happier or more excited!!! We're hoping it's the start of something big and we have total faith in our agent, Gregory - he's awesome and seems really excited to have us on board! After we'd signed all the paperwork, we had a little task list from him. We had to stop by Anthony's (the photographer who took our headshots) because we lost the CDs with all of our photos haha oops.. Then we sent Gregory our best pics and signed up with three different acting websites where jobs are posted in addition to the ones the agencies have access to. It felt GREAT to get it all done - we never want to retype our resumes again! We feel like we're getting some momentum up and we finally have everything lined up to get out there and start auditioning!! Yeeee! We're on our way out to Mum and Q's now to see them, do our laundry, and have a celebratory dinner tonight! 

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