Thursday, July 3, 2014

Mo' Money Mo' Problem$

What a hectic/awesome/productive/fun few days!!
Monday was a big day for Han, Tuesday was a big one for Luce, and yesterday and today were big for both of us. We're keeping busy, that's for sure!

-- Han -- 
On Monday I was booked on Ray Donovan and it ended up being one of my favourite days ever on set! We were filming at Pink's, a famous LA hotdog place, and Liev Schreiber (who plays Sabertooth in X-Men and is the lead in Ray Donovan) was in the scene and I walked right past him like 20 times!! The reason it was such a great day, though, was that I'd been paired with two absolutely adorable little boys as their on-screen babysitter. We just had so much fun mucking around, they were such smart, fun little kids and totally reminded me of Eddie and Will - especially the little blond boy, Alex, he was SO cheeky! 
By the end of the scene we were getting along so well that three or four people asked if they were my kids! Alex's response was "Are you crazy?!" Hahah priceless - but really, a 19 year old mother of an 11 and 8 year old?! When the kids were about to get wrapped I met their mothers and the first thing they both said was "Can Hannah be our new babysitter??" So sweet! Buuuut unfortunately they live about an hour away from me, so it was a no go. Anyway, I only had a couple more hours after that and I was wrapped by 1:30! Woo! 
I was only home for a few minutes before I had to run back out for a costume fitting for my cheerleading outfit! I met Yosh at the tailors and they worked their magic. Hopefully it'll be a good fit for Saturday!
I stopped by Ralph's on the way home to pick up some stuff for the Indian feast that Luce and I cooked up when we got home! Tikka Marsala, banana with coconut, cucumber with yogurt, and garlic naan!

-- Luce --
I had a lovely relaxing day on Monday! After a glorious sleep and getting up to do some odds and ends around the house, I headed over to LACC because I had gotten a letter from them asking me to come to the business office..! I showed up and it turned out that I had a surplus of scholarship money left so they just handed me a big ol' check and said, "There you go, have a nice day!" Wow! It was quite a nice surprise - definitely made my day! The rest of the day was pretty chill, hanging out with Han and eating yummy food!

-- Han --
My Tuesday was chill but productive! I cleaned, filled out a job application for Outback Steakhouse, submitted online for a bunch of auditions, and hung out with Brittany in the afternoon. When Luce got home from set we had an extremely satisfying Bachelorette double feature with Brittany, such a guilty pleasure!

-- Luce --
On Tuesday I was doing background on the show Jennifer Falls and it was  a really fun day! I met some lovely people and I was there as a "debate team student" which was pretty funny..! It ended up being a 10 hour day which was long but it wasn't toooo bad - especially considering minimum wage went up today!! Yayyyy! So I got home tired but happy and excited to chill out and watch The Bachelorette with Brittany and Han.

-- Han --
Yesterday I was back on the Thundermans! Yay!! I love working that show, and it was a long but pretty easy day. I also got a little featured bit! AND I got fitted for a not-so-sexy mermaid costume (keeping it G rated) for next week's Halloween episode, so I'll definitely be working at least two days next week! Woo! I got home around 7:30 and managed to find the will power to work out, which actually felt kinda great, and I've started learning Italian on this language app Luce found which has been super fun, so I did that until Luce got home (reeeeaally late) from Jennifer Falls.

-- Luce --
I was recalled on Jennifer Falls on Wednesday and it was the longest day everrrrrr! I got there at 7:30 and reprised my role as a debate team-er for the morning which was relatively easy and then we broke for lunch around 3 and it was boiling hot! We were filming in Santa Clarita and it was 95 degrees with the sun blazing down on us.. Oh my gosh I was so sweaty! Pretty gross (haha). After lunch we switched over to a Father-Daughter Dance scene so all the girls got dressed up and had to pair off with a middle aged man to be their father for the day! Well.. It turned out that there were 34 girls and only 32 men... And guess who ended up being a fatherless orphan?! You guessed it, me! Ahhh, hilarious. It really worked out for the best because it meant that I got to just chill out in the air conditioned room for a bit longer and I also had time to flirt with the cute PA on set which was a definite plus! Eventually they needed me and the other orphan girl on set so we spent the night fake-dancing and pantomiming with everyone else until finally, at 10:00, we were wrapped for the day! Wowwwww a 14.5 hour day!! Crazy. I was completely and utterly exhausted - I'm surprised I could even drive home but I made it safe and sound and I fell into bed! Big day!!

-- Han & Luce --
Today was HUGE! We packed so much in - and didn't even get to everything!
First off we had a callback for the audition we did on Saturday. We showed up right on time aaaand they'd changed the location! On no! Fortunately there were about 20 other people who'd also gotten the wrong info, so we weren't too stressed about it. We drove to the new place - which was actually the old place because we auditioned there - and waited. Aaaand waited. Lucky for Han she had another audition at 1:00 at the same casting studios, so cool! So she did her thang in that one and it went really well! It was for a music video so she just had to react nonverbally to some different situations and that was that! We were still waiting at 2:00 and finally the casting director came out to talk to all the people with callbacks! He pulled us all over and said "So the only thing we need to know is: are you available July 12th?" We all said "yes" and he said "Okay, you're free to go!" Hahah what?! We waited over two hours to tell you our availability?!?! Completely absurd but ohh well! Pretty hilarious. Anyway, we were on to the next thing! We ran home, had lunch, and Luce got ready for background tonight - all in less than 30 minutes! Then we went over to Outback and dropped off our job apps (fingers crossed!) and only had about five minutes back at home before Luce was off to work! She dropped Brittany and Han at Ralph's to pick up baking supplies, and headed on to the Sunset Gower Studios.

-- Han --
Our baking endeavors were a total success! Except for a small hiccough because we'd forgotten eggs and had to run down to the gas station..! After we'd used every utensil in the apartment and a couple hours had gone by, we'd created three 4th of July masterpieces! 
Red velvet and blueberry cupcakes with chocolate frosting, blue velvet and raspberry cupcakes with chocolate frosting, and a red and blue velvet layer cake with cream cheese frosting and coconut between layers and berries on top! Amazing!! We had the red velvet cupcakes later tonight and they were SO good, totally exceeded our expectations! 
I had one last audition tonight over Skype which was really cool! It was more of an interview than an audition, but they seemed to really like me and want me to come in next week for an in person audition! Exciting! Since then I've been learning some Italian, hanging out with Bri and Brit, and waiting for Luce to get home - which will hopefully be soon! We're looking forward to the 4th of July tomorrow (and the awesome weekend following it!) to hang out, relax, and eat yummy food!

-- Luce --
I worked on The Newsroom today and my call time wasn't till 5 which was great because Han and I had a pretty hectic day..! I made it to set after a big fiasco with the studio's security (it wasn't really a huge fiasco - they just closed one of their gates so I had to drive around to find the other one and then waited for a reeeally long time because the security guard was so slow! Lucky I left myself so much spare time!!) Once I made it to check-in and go through wardrobe I found out that they weren't going to be filming it at the studios, but in Santa Monica which was really far away - so random! So we all got into a bus and drove over to Santa Monica and then filmed the scene. I was worried that we'd go really late into the night but they went quite quickly and had us back to the studios by 11! Amazing! The scene was nice and simple too - all the background had to do was wait in line for a lecture and then walk into the building at the very end of the scene! Also, a funny coincidence was that the cute PA from yesterday was working on this show today! Crazy! So anyway, after being wrapped at 11 I went home and had some amazing pre-4th of July cupcakes that Han and Brit had made! Yum! 

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