We had such a lovely and action packed week! We really just have so much fun together!
Monday was Memorial Day so we had the day off and decided to break out the tennis racquets and head over to Griffith Park for a match! We went via the hugest and most useless Sears near us for tennis balls and they had EVERY OTHER type of ball, what? So then we went to target, success, and on to Griffith Park! There was so much going on! Families picnicking, music playing, some sort of friendly volleyball comp - fun! We had a great time wacking the ball back and forth (as well as twerking to the music between serves hehe) and stayed about an hour and a half before heading home.
Han had an audition to self tape for that afternoon which was exciting! It was a quick one too, so didn't take much time (even despite doing about 25 takes to get it just right). Then that night Brian and Brittany, our neighbors down the hallway, came over for dinner. Luce made her delish quinoa salad, Han grilled some chicken to perfection, and Bri and Brit brought over something yummy and uhh red, in a glass bottle ;) thanks guys! We had a great chat, got some amazing recommendations for our upcoming day trip to San Diego, and learned more about our cool new friends.
On Tuesday we weren't working again, kinda lame, but we ended up having a great day! Chambers needed help making posters for another play he wrote and we'd hardly seen him since going to Austria, so we went in for a couple hours and helped out.
Afterwards we went to Ventura Blvd, the street near us that we met Lena Heady on, to find Luce the perfect dress for a super exciting callback the next day!! After quite the search, American Apparel came through for us and Luce got something super cute! Sullivan, our absolutely wonderful friend from Greasy Grimey Gopher Guts, met us at the Chipotle on Ventura for the most amazing burrito bowls that we'd been seeeriously craving, yuuum!! We all went back to our place and spent about 4 hours catching up, baking cookies, and planning an adorably ridiculous "special skill" for our callback, such a lovely night!
Our callback on Wednesday was at 8:30am in El Segundo which meant leaving our place at 6:30am OHMYGOSH! We also had to look our absolute best - you could say, like real "beauties" - so we woke up at 5:00! Woaaahh! Took us back to school days..! We made it out there, lookin fab, with plenty of time to spare so we went and picked up Q's Father's Day prezzie before heading to the hotel where they were holding callbacks. We really shouldn't say much about the callback itself, but WOW we're there some strange girls there! We absolutely rocked our somewhat joint interview bit, we felt like we were totally adorable and potential standouts. It didn't quite work in our favour in the end because we weren't chosen to move forward BUT we met an absolutely lovely Aussie girl there, Natalie, who we totally clicked with!
It turned out she was going to take the train back into LA, so we offered to give her a lift and ended up having such a great chat that we continued over coffee once we made it to Hollywood Blvd. We walked down the street a little and saw the setup for the Maleficent premiere which was super cool, very LA, and Natalie gave us heaps of really great tips on acting, auditioning, and surviving as an Aussie in LA - such a sweetheart!
We went our separate ways and we headed over to Chambers' again to keep going on the posters for a little while before going to tech for the show. There was a great group there, lots of our fave castmates, and we had a chill time making posters and hanging out before heading over to the Lounge Theatre for tech for GGGG part 2 next week!
Tech was fun and fairly easygoing, getting the gang back together, and we're pumped to have a second crack at the play! Yay!
We only had a couple hours at home before Han went out again to an audition for Coriolanus at a theatre downtown!
-- Han --
My audition went really well! I had a chat with the director, did my monologue a couple times with some adjustments, and got asked to come in for a callback on the spot! It was a little tough though because the theatre's about half an hour away from our place, the role I was auditioning for was really quite small, and the time commitment was HUGE, yikes! So, as much as I like to jump at any opportunity, I decided to pass this one up - the director really seemed to like me, though, so I'm sure I'll audition for another show for him in the future! It was so nice and familiar to be auditioning for a theatre production again and I realized how much I've missed doing full length, dramatic plays - hopefully I'll be able to find/audition for something a bit closer to home soon!
Yesterday and today we were both on different sets doing background and we each had two awesome days!
-- Luce --
On Thursday I had a very relaxed day of background work! I was on the show Mistresses and I rocked up to Culver City Studios at 9:30 ready to go! After getting signed in and going through wardrobe we were shuttled off to set - on location at a church! It was a really short scene and all we had to do was say The Lord's Prayer and then sit down in the pews. They filmed really quickly and it ended up only being a 4 hour day! Amazing!
I headed home and had a lovely afternoon. I read all of The Fault In Our Stars by John Green and it was such a good read. An absolutely beautifully written book and a complete tearjerker! I cried pretty much non-stop while reading, so by the time Han got home I'd finished the book and greeted her with puffy teary eyes!
Today I was working on It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia and it was in Fox Studios which is always really fun to visit! Because Han and I were driving up to Mum and Q's place tonight we decided to go straight from our background gigs to theirs and because my call time was an hour before Han's she dropped me off at Fox Studios and then went to Paramount which is about half an hour away... And for the whole one-car thing to work we were kiiind of counting on Han finishing before me so she could come pick me up when I finished so we could drive out together, which would also mean that I wouldn't have to figure out public transportation..
It was a really fun day and I played a bar patron in a speed-dating scene and stood about 2 feet away from Danny Devito! So cool!
I ended up only being needed for 3 hours and was done by 6:30! Which was great but a bit of a problem because Han wasn't going to finish till 9 so I had some time to kill and absolutely no idea of what to do! As I was walking out to find a taxi or bus or something I ran into a guy, Nathan, and his friend and I'd only talked to Nathan for a minute or two on set but we started chatting and he said that he and his pal were going to wander around the studios and explore while waiting for traffic to die down and asked if I wanted to join them! I had nothing better to do so I hung out with them and it was a great time! Then we all went out to get dinner and he insisted on paying for my meal!! Lovely. And then he offered to drive me over to where I was meeting up with Han and absolutely wouldn't accept petrol money from me even though I tried my hardest to give it to him! What a nice person. Then Han met me about 5 minutes later and everything timed up perfectly and worked out so wonderfully!!
-- Han --
I was working on The Thundermans again both days and the cast and crew were just as much fun as they were a couple weeks ago! There were lots of familiar faces on set, including the girl I spent most of my day with last time! I'm loving working on that set, so I hope they keep calling me back! On Thursday we worked our butts off; went went from 12:30 to 2:00, broke for lunch until 3:00, then didn't stop at all until 9:00! It was great though because the time flew by AND I avoided the mindless snacking that inevitably happens on set, woo! I also made it into the shot in a major way because myself and one other girl were chosen to react to the man guy (who's really talented, by the way, and such a good sport!) when he tried to cut in line. It's always exciting to be in the shot and it also meant that I got asked back in the small group of people recalled for today! Success! The other highlight of the day was that I met up with JT over at stage 18 when I was on break for lunch! He recently booked a recurring role on another Nickelodeon show (SO stoked for him!! What a legend!) and he had rehearsals yesterday and today. He greeted me with an "Oi oi!", showed me all around the set and his trailer, and introduced me to a bunch of lovely people! I can't wait to see his episodes now that I've had a look behind the scenes!!
Today was a super easy day on set, I was only there for 5 hours and only used for 1 and a half, nice! I inadvertently matched outfits with one guy and took a sneaky selfie with one of my girlfriends, shhh..!
I had a great chat with a cameraman who was a fellow Aussie and another who'd filmed Sean's finale on the Bachelor in Thailand, so cool! It's really nice to be able to get to know some of the crew, so fingers crossed they call me back next week!
We wrapped just before 9:00 and I met up with Luce about 15 minutes later - great day on the job!
-- Han & Luce --
Besides all that, last night we spoiled ourselves with some amazing chia seed pudding for dessert (made by Luce)! Yum! We also spent this morning playing tennis at some courts near our apartment. It wasn't quiiite as fun as last time.. We were both being particularly uncoordinated and Luce got uncharacteristically cranky at Han! We had a laugh about it buuut we might have to brush up a bit on our basic skills before we hit the courts again!
Tonight we both got wrapped super quickly and made our way to Amoeba Records to pick up a gift for Mike whose birthday just passed. We ended up getting there within about 5 minutes of each other, crazy! We grabbed an incredible Joffrey Baratheon bobble head for Mike, did a shameless boba run, filled up the tank with the most expensive petrol in the US, and drove out to Mum and Q's to celebrate Father's Day tomorrow! The best convo/quote of the drive was:
(Luce softly and quite pleasantly sings along to the music)
Han: "I don't know why, but when it gets late I totally lose patience with your singing-along. Like absolutely no offense, I actually quite enjoy it otherwise but I'm just not feelin it.."
Luce: "errkayy"
(8 seconds pass. Lucy starts to hum. We both realize what's happening..)
Luce: "Can I whistle? Can I hum?!"
HA! Luce was SO donkey and Han was SO Shrek, too real. We both cracked up! Aaaand Luce proceeded to sing along to the music the rest of the way to Mum and Q's hahah.
We're super excited about our fun day out tomorrow! We're doing Father's Day Sea World style and heading out to San Diego super early, woo! Tomorrow's adventures (and undoubtedly many more!) soon to come, stay tuned!