Saturday, August 17, 2013

We're Getting Paid for This?!

It's been a while since our last blog and we have been on the go non-stop! We've both worked every day, trying to cram in as much as possible before the start of school! Yesterday was Han's last day on set before going to Chapman and Luce only has a few days left as well! It's been such a whirlwind of an experience and we're feeling so fortunate to've been able to get a feel for and fall in love with being on set! 

-- Hannah --
On Monday I had my first ever fitting! It was at the IMB studios in Manhattan Beach for a party scene on Revenge! I was SO excited to be back on the show again, and this time for a two day call! I felt like a bit of a celeb, getting dressed up in all the expensive clothes and jewelry - who knows when I'll next get to wear Jimmy Choo shoes! - and once my fitting was done I had the whole afternoon to myself. 

Tuesday was a crazy day but heaps of fun. I was on a show for the crime investigation channel called Headlines, and it was our job to reenact murders and crime scenes. The set was in this huge, dilapidated building in a kinda sketchy area. I guess it used to be a newspaper printing place but it was run down and really old. I'd been called as a "college partier" but when I got there they needed a couple more people for a vintage, I think 60's, scene which was super fun! They put me in a really pretty dress and the set and costumes were all very authentic. After that I got back into my rave gear. The extras had a while to wait before they needed us, so myself and two others, Grace and Jordan, decided to go exploring! It was SO fun!! The building was really cool and creepy, and Grace and Jordan were hilarious and really nice, so we had a great time. On our adventure we did bit of a photo shoot haha.
When we got back to holding, the costumers gave us neon hairspray and body paint and told Grace and me to go wild - so we did! Jordan was my personal make-up artist (which was slightly terrifying) but it ended up looking really good, especially on camera under the black lights.
It was a pretty late night, and my call time for Revenge on Wednesday morning was early! Base camp was at the beach, a short drive from Malibu where we were filming on location! Lucy needed the car during the day, though, to get to her job, so Nick - who I'd met the last time on Revenge - kindly offered to drive me there and back for the two days. 

Nick and I got to set around 6:30am and while he went straight to location to do stand-in work, I checked in with wardrobe, hair, and make-up and put my cute outfit on! We drove in vans to Malibu and started shooting soon after we got there. We were at an absolutely beautiful house overlooking the water, the view was incredible!! Ahh it was just magical to be there, especially with such a fun group of people!
The funniest/most embarrassing moment of the day came when I was walking in my 6 inch heels on a sloping grassy area and BAM I rolled my ankle and came SO CLOSE to completely stacking it on the ground!! It was hilarious and very obvious haha I managed not to make any sound though - either gasping or giggling - so I don't think I ruined the shot, but I made sure to be reeeeally careful after that!

The next morning was just as early, but it definitely felt more relaxed because everyone was familiar with each other from the day before. What made my day was that I got some great screen time! It was so cool!! It was a complex scene which took over 7 hours to film, and in it I got to interact with one of the stars! He was so nice and funny and we even had a bit of a chat in between takes which was a definite highlight! The cast and crew were all so friendly and seemed genuinely glad to be there, it was a great group to be a part of! The shoot ended up going all day and then a few people (including me!) stayed on for a night shoot! The last scene was awesome fun as well, and when it airs I'll talk more about it! We were wrapped at 11:00pm, so it was my longest day yet! More than 16 hours!! I wouldn't have had it any other way, though. It was the perfect way to finish up working this summer!

Yesterday I was on a new ABC Family show called Chasing Life. It was an early call but I got to wear casual clothes (which was nice after two full days in seeeriously high heels) and it was also a huge call (so there was much less pressure). I was really lucky and got wrapped early! Yay! So I got to go home and start packing for college!! I also went on a bit of a cleaning frenzy: I cleaned/organized our room, folded all our clothes, did 4 loads of wash, and cleaned the dishes- woah! I meant to stay up and wait for MeMe to get home but I ended up falling asleep in my clothes, with all the lights on, and didn't wake up till Lucy got home in the wee hours of the morning...

-- Lucy --
It's been such a busy week!! On Monday I was up early to work on a movie called The Kitchen Sink. I can't give away much info about the movie (I'll probably talk more about it when it's released!) but Vanessa Hudgens was in it and I walked right by her and she's gorgeous! I was playing a teenager and there were so many fun people my age to talk to - it was a great day! We were filming in a high school in Los Angeles and it was kind of weird to be back in school - walking through the hallways and classrooms was a little too familiar..! I was on that set for about 14 hours so by the end of the day I was so ready to get home and have dinner and sleep.
Tuesday was the coolest day ever because.... I got to be an extra on the show New Girl!!! It's one of my favorite shows on TV and I still can't believe that I was on it!! It was the second episode of the new season and I got to stand right behind Nick! Ahhh it was so exciting and so surreal to be that close to someone that I love to watch so much on tv. I'm really hoping that I was in the shot - I guess I'll just have to wait and see! The episode was also shot in fox studios, so walking through the lot and seeing all of the different sound-stages was amazing and the people were really friendly!
It ended up only being a two hour day on set, so I had the rest of the day free to relax! :)

Wednesday was a crazy day! I was booked on CSI and it was for this wild mosh pit club scene! Wardrobe gave me a badass outfit and I was glad I had tough boots on because everyone (including the camera guys!!) was shoving each other and getting rowdy, and it was super high energy!
Luckily I was short enough that I didn't get hurt or elbowed in the face! I also made friends with a bunch of really great guys and they made sure I didn't get knocked around too much! After the club scene I got a change of costume and some cool special-effects makeup for a new scene that was filming past 1:30 in the morning!! I was completely delirious by this point, which meant that I couldn't stop laughing in one of the scenes! I felt SO BAD. It was a really intense and serious scene and I ended up having to cover my face because I was hysterically laughing - I partly blame the hilarious guy that I was paired with, though! By the time I made it home I was completely exhausted and it took me SO LONG to wash off all of the makeup, but eventually I went to bed and got some sleep before dropping Hannah off at Nick's at 5.
I was booked on a new show called Ironside on Thursday and Friday and it was so much fun! I knew that two of the guys I had met on CSI would be there so it was great to have friends already on set! When I got to set I also met a lovely girl, Alicia, who is going to be in my class at LACC! And we got along incredibly well! Yay! So I'm feeling much less anxiety about starting school now that I have a friend. For the first five hours on Ironside the background actors were hardly used at all - we were sitting in holding and it was boiling hot! Especially because we were dressed as if it were winter in New York!! Eventually it got dark (and cooled down - phew!) and after a delicious dinner we went on set! 
A memorable part of the night was when the Assistant Director called out to the extras asking if any of us knew each other. Ky, one of the guys I had met on CSI, and I raised our hands because we had talked a lot and gotten to know each other that day... It turns out that the AD had asked because he wanted us to play a couple! That was totally fine by me - Ky was really cute! - so for a while we were just being flirty in the background of the scenes until the AD came up to us and said that it would really be great if we were making out in the background! We looked at each other and said "Sure, why not?!" So that's how my night ended... Getting paid to kiss a hot guy on camera haha ;)
After a 13 hour day I got home and fell into bed at 2 in the morning and tried to get some good sleep for Friday!
I had a late call for Ironside the next day which meant that I could sleep in for the first time in a while! At 6:45pm I showed up and found Alicia and we went on set almost straight away! After a lot of crossing back and forth and pretending to talk, it was time for another yummy dinner and then we were back on set! There was a lot more waiting, standing, and walking to be done, but with great conversations and fun people around, the time flew by! I loved being a part of the simulated NYC nightlife and all of the crew were being so funny and kind to the background actors which was wonderful. One of the highlights was having two of the principal actors come up to Alicia and me and start talking with us!!! That almost never happens so it was very exciting! We were wrapped at about 3:30 am and I couldn't wait to take my heels off, get home, and go to sleep! When I got home I saw that Han had completely cleaned our room which was so sweet of her! I went to bed very tired but very happy.

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