Thursday, June 12, 2014

Working hard or hardly working?

Uuhhh, working hard..!
This has been a big work week - with no sign of things slowing down either!

We eased into the week with a cruisey Monday. The most exciting part of the day for Han was the first table reading for the webseries she's going to be in! All the other actors seemed really talented and the writer/director has what sounds like a great plan to make it happen! It felt great to finally start work on a legitimate, complex role - to really be acting again! Ironically enough, it feels like it's been ages!
After the table reading we met up with Q in NoHo and he took us out to dinner at Lala's Argentine Grill! We haven't been that full in a looong time - it was amazing! Great conversation and lots of laughs too, as always, it was so lovely to catch up! 
After dinner we went over to Sully's to watch the Bachelorette (although it actually ended up being a "season recap" of the last four weeks, what? Still enjoyable regardless!)

On Tuesday we had a 10:00 call time for background on Awkward, which was pretty civilized but we had to get up and at 'em at a decent time. On the way to set we thought to check the call time change box and -- moved to 11:00?! We jumped off the freeway and went on yelp to try to find a brekky place nearby. We ended up in a kiiinda sketchy area but at a suuuper cute little diner! Two chocolate chai's and a massive pancake with cream cheese frosting later, we headed to set for real!
(Luce was having a rough morning...)

It was a long day on set but there are heaps of really nice crew members who're starting to recognize us (kinda scary) including the 2nd AD who's a fellow Aussie! He picked us for a featured bit in a really funny scene in which we had to laugh at something that wasn't there! It was a super fun scene and definitely one of those this-is-Hollywood-and-nothing-is-real moments. 
We wrapped at 10:30 and dragged ourselves home in prep for another full day the next day!

Yesterday we were both booked for background on a pilot about tennis and it was BOILING HOT all day!! We had sweat just running in rivers from any part of our bodies touching anything, pretty gross. We were sitting in the stands with a lot of other people all day, but we both actually managed to get seriously featured in a couple shots! We met some great people, which always makes the day go quicker, but it was another long one, that's for sure!
- the main guy was British and SO cute/funny and had a bit where he smashes the tennis racquet on the ground. Hilarious.
- the main girl COULD NOT PLAY TENNIS. Like we would've done a better job and the regular readers of the blog will remember that we're faaaar from pros! We were sitting with a really funny guy though and we shamelessly (and silently) criticized her abilities. Sorry not sorry. Also, she was beautiful and seemed like a good actress so fair enough that they cast her!
- amazing brownies at lunch. Times 3. And coffee cake.
- the most hippie trippy girl at our table who tried to convince us that the way her necklace swings knows your heart's inner desires.
- seeing a few lovely old friends and making a couple awesome new ones too!
When we got home Luce crashed out, so exhausted, and Han went over to Bri and Brit's for popcorn, drinks, R.I.P.D (the worst movie in the world), and a well-needed catch up! So lovely - having them right down the hall is like being back at college!

Today Han had a day on a medical show as a candy striper and got to play dress up! Fun!! And Luce had a chill day at home doing some audition prep and (look out) cleaning! What a legend!
The rest of the night is looking like a chill night in watching Orange is the New Black, perfect!

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